30th August 2022

Integrity365 Advisers Shortlisted for Multiple Awards

We are delighted to share the news that the two latest additions to our highly experienced team of Independent Financial Advisers have just been shortlisted for The Verve Group UK Awards in 2022, and that voting is now open.

The Verve Group’s mission is to continuously develop the financial services industry, pushing it to become an outstanding and inspirational profession, and to highlight those firms and individuals that are passionately working towards the same goal.

Benjamin Beck PFE(PIP)® has been shortlisted for The Attraction Award. This award represents The Verve Group’s second key mission: to shout about the joys of a career in finance and actively promote and attract more people into it to secure a new generation of talent.

Vote for Benjamin here: https://lnkd.in/e-PjrnMe

Sophie Haslehurst APFS has been shortlisted for The Thrive Award which is aimed towards a business or individual that has supported the continued growth and evolution of financial services, from sharing their expertise and resources for the benefit of others in the same space actively lobbying for positive change or any third party that has worked with businesses to help them thrive and flourish.

Vote for Sophie here: https://lnkd.in/e9U3cXCe

We would like to congratulate both Benjamin and Sophie, and we hope you will join us in wishing them the very best of luck now that voting is open.

To find out more about our team of Independent Financial Advisers based across London, Bristol and High Wycombe, visit their profiles here: https://www.integrity365.co.uk/about/meet-the-advisers/

Our advisers are here to support both private and corporate clients with their financial planning needs, from the early days of investments and mortgages, to later life planning and pensions, to employee benefits and tax planning. Get in touch today on 0117 450 1300 to discuss your individual circumstances and financial goals.